99.99% Germs Killed in Our Process.

Term & Condition

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  • Term & Condition

Pick & Drop Timings: 9 am-8 pm within 20 km. , Minimum order Rs 500.

  • Garments are accepted entirely at customer risk.
    In case of clothes bearing stains and dirt spots we take every care to remove
    The same but we do not give guarantee of any kind.
  • Liability cannot be accepted for defects arising during dry cleaning or any other
    Process in view of tact that many articles are made from the materials which have
    Inherent defects.
  • No guarantee of color fading and bleeding of garments in any process.
  • As it is not possible to examine each and every clothes in shop all articles are thoroughly checked
    at factory and any report from the factory about the condition of article received shall be accepted
    by the customers.
  • It is clearly understood that any item given for cleaning is used soiled hence no claim for it being
    new will be entertained.
    7.”First wash dry clean” this sentence is not applicable for Laundry Business.
  • In case clothes or articles are lost, misplaced or damaged company will to pay ten times
    The cleaning or drying charges and every cloth is considered single n not as set no extra charges of
    Tailoring or extra things hanging on clothes will be counted.
  • In case of loss or damage arising out of the not there for any other circumstances beyond our
    control or natural calamities no claim will be entertained.
    10 old jari works or torned clothes due to it company is not liable for it.
  • Clothes must be taken delivery with in one month after that company is not liable for any type

Laundry doesn’t necessarily ensure the removal of hardcore stains like turmeric stains, chocolate stains, etc., in the very first go. 

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